Shipping surveys are now open! You should have just received an email titled something like “Response needed! Get your reward for backing PIE,” with a link to the fulfillment survey.
To ship your reward, it’s extremely important for us to have your shipping information on time. You do have more than two weeks to fill it out, but let’s not put it off till the last minute. The survey should take you no more than a single minute to complete.
Don’t worry if you’ve mistakenly deleted the email or can’t find it. Just log in to Kickstarter, and you will see a link to the survey at the very top of your screen like this:
Or, you can visit PIE’s campaign page to fill out and edit your answers like this:
In this shipping survey, you’ll be asked for the following information:
- Recipient’s shipping address
- Recipient’s phone number (Kickstarter’s template says optional, but it’s actually required)
- Backer’s phone number
For your shipping address, please use Latin characters(A~Z) and check if it shows up on Google Maps if you aren’t used to writing your address in Latin characters. Backers in Korea may use Korean characters(한국내 주소는 한글로 입력하셔도 됩니다).
Also, you will be able to change your shipping information any time before July 21st. You can do this at your “View Pledge” link as in the second image above. Kickstarter will notify you 48 hours before the survey closes.
We respect and value your privacy. Your personal information including your name, address, phone number, email address, and any other information you provide us will be used only for shipping your Kickstarter reward. Your information will be deleted from Bagel Labs’ computers and servers once PIE is delivered.
If you have any questions about the shipping process, we kindly ask you to first review the short FAQ below. If that doesn’t work, message us via Kickstarter or email us at [email protected].
Shipping FAQ
1. When will PIEs ship?
We are still on track to start sending PIEs out by end of July. Shipping should take around a week to most countries, meaning that you will receive your package by either end of July or early August. Once your package has been sent out, we will provide you with a tracking link with a more specific expected delivery date.
Please understand that although we are doing everything we can to meet this goal, it’s still a target that no one can guarantee. Unforeseen events during production and shipping can happen but we’ll do our best to deliver and share the news with you.
2. Will I be able to change my survey after submitting it?
Yes, you’ll be able to change your shipping address until July 21st, when we will lock all completed surveys and begin working with our logistics partners. Kickstarter will notify you 48 hours before the surveys are locked down, so you can take a final look at them.
3. If I’m moving soon, which address should I list?
If you don’t know what your address will be from the end of July to early August, we recommend not filling out your address yet. Instead, please send us a message to let us know of your situation so that we can work out a separate shipping schedule that fits your timeline.
4. Do you ship to PO Box addresses?
Unfortunately, no. We cannot ship to PO Boxes, APO, or FPO addresses. Please enter your street address. If you don’t have a street address, please send us a message!
5. My Kickstarter pledge was dropped. What can I do?
If your pledge was accidentally dropped due to payment failure and you missed the payment method change window, here is what you can do. Please send us via Kickstarter message your email address. We will send you a PayPal invoice with the same reward price so that you can re-pledge with a credit card. This offer will be valid only for the original Kickstarter backers whose pledges were dropped.
To briefly update you on production, we’ve had a few hiccups here and there but nothing serious to affect July shipping. We did use up a lot of our wiggle room time-wise though because the mass-produced PCBs arrived last week missing the whole antenna tracing. We expressed some serious frustration at the supplier, who promised to deliver it right by next Monday to minimize any production delays.
Other than that, all is going quite well. The newly designed fiberglass tapes that have both metric and imperial markings on one side (to prevent inaccuracies occurring from printing on both sides) look awesome. We hope you love it, too.
That’s it for this week! Please do fill out the shipping surveys when you can (ASAP) and feel free to message us with any questions or comments. See you next Thursday!