Accessing Your Data from Apple Health You can choose to grant PIE Fitness Tracker app permission to access your data from Apple Health. Granting this permission will help the app calculate your [...]
This is your team at Bagel Labs and we have our first monthly update for you. Today, we will announce the five winners who will each receive a free PIE Smart Tape Measure and briefly share what [...]
It’s truly been a wild week. As the second batch of PIEs that were shipped out last week started getting delivered, we received a lot of comments, messages, and emails from you regarding [...]
We hope everyone’s doing well. We have a short update on shipping for everyone, and some more information for backers in the EU today. All rewards have been shipped out We sent out the second [...]
<The first batch of fresh PIEs have shipped out!> Dear backers, Trust you are all well. It was a hectic week at Bagel Labs, with the start of assembly, quality inspection, packaging, one [...]
It’s Thursday and time for another weekly update. Today, we are excited to announce that this will be the last weekly update before shipping begins! As we shared with you in our previous update, [...]
It’s time for another weekly update on your PIE! Today, we have news regarding production & shipping schedules, shipping surveys, and mobile app. Production & Shipping Schedule As we [...]
We hope everyone is doing OK in this heat wave all over the world. We are still waiting for the new fiberglass tapes to arrive, and so there’s little to update on the hardware side of things. On [...]
Hope you guys had a much better week than we did and it’s really heartbreaking to have to make this announcement. After some harsh testing, the fiberglass tape for PIE did not meet our [...]
We hope you’re having a fantastic week. We have a brief update for you today regarding shipping surveys and production progress. Shipping Surveys Thank you so much to all of you who have [...]
Shipping surveys are now open! You should have just received an email titled something like “Response needed! Get your reward for backing PIE,” with a link to the fulfillment survey. To ship your [...]
With our target shipping date just about a month away, each week seems to be passing by faster and faster. We are happy to announce that we’re still on track and have a brief update for you [...]